The Society of Illustrators

One of my favourite experiences at an exhibition, consisting of three floors, starting at the ground floor, containing illustrations of all kinds from adult books and childrens books, it was lay out like a nursery classroom, fun and colourful with even small pieces of furniture to really emphasise the brand. It also contained some really unique types of illustration. For example, there was a piece that used ink only where you could see the start and end path of the ink strokes and the layers that sat on top of each other. Another piece was layered materials that contained tiny holes in each layer to show an image when they were all overlaid which I thought was brilliant.

The second floor I can only describe as a DIY exhibition. A workshop would be held every Tuesday where people would be able to attend and sketch how they perceived Batman. There were some really great perspectives however one of my favourites was having Batman viewed as Muslim, wearing a Niqab. Made you realise how different people have different minds and perceive images differently.

The third floor was self explanatory and contained portrait sketches of many material from charcoal, to chalk to graphite where people could appreciate the skill that people have for drawing, which considering my love for drawing and my constant need for improvement I was more than intrigued with.

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